22: Mary Window

Mary, the mother of Jesus, is unquestionably the senior saint within the Christian tradition.  Yet we know remarkably little about her.  In the New Testament, there is nothing about her birth, death, appearance or age.  Outside of the accounts of the birth of Jesus that only occur in the gospels of Matthew and Luke, she is specifically mentioned at only three other events in the life of her son.  She is present at a wedding where Jesus turns water into wine; she makes an attempt to see her son while he is teaching; and she is there at his crucifixion.  Mary is mentioned more often in the Qur'an than in the New Testament.

Mary is represented in the church in windows, statues and prayer.

Look up high up and you will see our newest window.  It is a window of Mary.  The painting is not as “good” as the painting in the other windows in the church but is still good.

Angus Gordon