28: Harrison Organ

What is it?

Harrison & Harrison, Durham, 1938, for St Luke's Church, Cowley, Oxfordshire, UK
Restored & installed in this location 1999 Peter D.G. Jewkes Pty Ltd, Sydney
2 manuals, 14 speaking stops, 4 couplers, tubular-pneumatic action.

What architectural interest?

The instrument is classified by the National Trust of Australia (Victoria)

It is a two-manual organ of 14 stop built in 1938 by English firm Harrison for St. Luke’s Church, Cowley, Oxford.  The instrument was donated by Lord Nuffield.

Designer Dr (later Sir) Thomas Armstrong,

Moved and shipped to Australia 1998

The organ is noted for its total intactness, its constructional and tonal excellence and its massive architect-designed oak case.

The organ was dedicated during Solemn Mass on Sunday 31 October 1999.

What is the connection to community?

The instrument offers exemplary support to the modern Catholic liturgy as practiced at St. Mark’s, providing an uplifting accompaniment to congregational singing and the ability to create magical moments at quiet times in the Mass.

Angus Gordon